NCTC eLearning
- Canvas
- Respondus
- Turnitin
- BigBlueButton
- Cisco Webex
- SoftChalk Cloud
- Publisher integrations (Limited support)
If you are experiencing a technical issue with NCTC eLearning that requires immediate support, such as an exam not functioning properly in Canvas, please call the eLearning Help Desk at (940) 668-4243. eLearning Help Desk phone support is unavailable after regular business hours and on weekends. Chat with eLearning Help Desk staff during regular business hours by clicking on the chat prompt from the submit a request page. Before submitting a request, please use the Search box above to explore our Knowledge Base. If you are unable to find an answer in our Knowledge Base, make sure to submit a request.
For technology support with NCTC computer systems outside of Canvas, like NetID login assistance, GoPrint, ShoreTel, campus hardware, MyNCTC and other network systems, please visit the ITS Department help page.
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